Hong Kong Island

Hong Kong Island
As seen from TST, Kowloon, HK

Monday, January 16, 2012

Year of the dragon

I can't believe that it is already half way through January.  Here in HK we are all getting ready to ring in the new year...Lunar New Year that is.  I can't tell you that I completely understand this holiday, 15 day long holiday, but I like it.  A week off from work, decorations, lion dances, food & candy abound.  And if I were single it would be a very profitable holiday.  As I am married, instead it will hit the pocketbook a little...as tradition is the hand out "red pockets" to single co-workers, family and children in your life as a blessing of new money for year to come.

I admit that there are many traditions that I miss from America but I am embracing some new ones along the way...so bring on the parades, fireworks and crazy lion dances!

Happy year of the dragon!  Or as they say here, Gong He Fat Choy!  (which loosely translates into wishing you good health & good fortune for the new year)


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Lessons learned from life in HK

Happy Monday!  In Hong Kong today is still a holiday, which means no going into the office!  First lesson of working at a local firm in HK, learn to love "red days"...aka Government declared holidays.  There are many "red days" as the locals call them throughout the year, celebrating anything from the Western holidays of Christmas, Boxing Day and New Years to the local holidays like Lunar New Year & a variety of buddahist holidays.  It is normal for workers, from the least paid to the highest paid employee or boss to work over 60 hours per week in Hong Kong.  So the red days are much appreciated when they come around.

The second lesson I've learned, quite painfully at moments I must admit, is to de-clutter your world.  Moving from over 3,000 sq. ft in the US to slightly over 600sq. ft. in HK has greatly influenced the way I shop, store items and question "do I really need this item?".  Even in my mass amount of square footage in America I am sure that I could have used this lesson earlier in life.  We truly do not need as much stuff as our consumer lifestyles have made us believe.  That being said though, I am making it my goal in 2012 to find a little bit more square footage to call home in HK.

As I enjoy my "red day", I will leave you with a wish of living more fully with less stuff.  Enjoy your family, friends & furry loved ones!  

Xx Angie

Happy New Year!!!!!

Welcome to the first day of 2012!  As I looked back over the past year, well actually year and a half, I decided that it is time to try a few new things in 2012.  First new thing, start a design blog.  So welcome to my design inspiration blog.  This is where I will post things/people that inspire me to be a better person, more creative designer and healthier member of society.  I will also soon be offering E-Design services from my blog as well.  More details on that later.  For now, bring on the new adventures, inspirations and activities of the new year!